Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Personal Narrative My Mom And Dad Essay - 1219 Words

Researchers have always said that opposites attract. They couldn’t have been more right in my parents’ case. My mom and dad have many differences and few similarities, but they get along all the same. My mom is very timely, organized, quiet, and conservative; whereas, my father is the complete opposite of all of these traits. One similarity they have is that they both love to be active and outside. My mother and father go together like icing and cupcakes, but despite their compatible traits, like being sporty, they have very different personalities and views. Ever since I can remember my mom has always been in great shape. She loves to be outside and play sports. When I was five she started a summer volleyball league, and recently she started a winter league as well. She plays volleyball year round and it keeps her in great shape. My family has always been active, and it was always nice to have someone play outside with me. My mom is also a fitness junkie and loves to w orkout. She always drinks protein smoothies in the morning and runs on the treadmill after work. As a family we all enjoy to be outside and do yard work, and my mom loves to tend to the garden and pull weeds. My family has always enjoyed being outside rather than inside. Very similar to my mom, my dad loves to have fun outdoors too. He is very muscular and likes to workout. My dad is also on the same volleyball league as my mom, and they enjoy bonding while they get to play. They are a great duo on theShow MoreRelatedIllness Narrative Essay929 Words   |  4 PagesMy Illness Narrative Sharing and listening to the illness narratives in class is an experience that I do not think I could ever forget. Listening to people share their raw emotions and stories of struggle and illness was eye opening, My own illness narrative could be described as a quest narrative and more specifically an automythology. 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