Essay on self help
Technical Writing Essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Fire in a Canebrake Essays -- Literary Analysis, Laura Wexler
In her Fire in a Canebrake, Laura Wexler portrays a significant occasion in mid-twentieth century American race relations, quite a while in the past consigned to the storage room of American awareness. In this manner, Wexler not just ably portrays the eventâ€the Moore’s Ford lynching of 1946â€but joins it into our comprehension of the current world and past by holding the complexities of uncertainty and double dealing that encompassed the occasion when it happened, which despite everything jumble it in verifiable records. By ably exploring these flows of double dealing, as well, Wexler isn't just ready to depict them to the peruser in full structure, yet in addition historicize this jumbled record with regards to certain bigger authentic certainties. In this style, and by declining to surrender to a craving for conclusion by drawing simple yet naturally defective ends with respect to the people straightforwardly answerable for the 1946 lynching, Wexler shows that she is more intrigued by a bigger authentic picture than the single occasion to which she commits her content. What's more, in this manner, she reprimands the questions of the individuals who question the significance of â€Å"bringing up†the lynching, loaning ground-breaking inspiration and reason to her composing that supports her account, and the audience’s thoughtfulness regarding it. This inspiration and design are generally clear in the nature of Wexler’s composing, made remarkable by her meticulous mindfulness all through the content of, right off the bat, such crucial things as setting and the presentation of characters, and, furthermore, the overall strings of, for example, national and state legislative issues, which set the bigger stage for the story. In her content, Wexler quickly specifies a noticeable figure in the NAACP, Walter White, taking note of his gnawing proclamations with respect to the lynching a ... ...lusionsâ€not just with respect to who the lynchers were, yet in addition concerning the characters of the people in question (230), and, to top it all off, regardless of whether the issues vital to the Moore’s Ford lynching have been settled, and are past. In these faculties, definitiveness about these issues empowers erroneousness, blocks equity, and makes the crowd let go of things that should not to be let goâ€and this, shy of the lynching itself, is one of the best potential wrongs (244). It is by declining to finish up, at that point, that Laura Wexler makes the best progress of her remarkable story, and can effectively explores the falsehoods and misleading of a jumbled authentic occasion by capably introducing them with regards to bigger chronicled certainties. Work Cited Wexler, Laura. 2003. Fire in a Canebrake: The Last Mass Lynching in America. Scribner; 2004. Print
Saturday, August 22, 2020
DRINKING Essay Example For Students
DRINKING Essay Regardless of a base lawful drinking age of 21, numerous youngsters in the United States expend liquor. Some maltreatment liquor by drinking as often as possible or by gorge drinkingoften characterized as having at least five drinks* in succession. A minority of youth may meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) standards for liquor reliance (1,2). The movement of drinking from use to maltreatment to reliance is related with natural and psychosocial factors. This Alcohol Alert looks at a portion of these components that put youth in danger of drinking and for liquor related issues and thinks about a portion of the outcomes of their drinking. For some individuals, the realities about liquor abuse are not satisfactory. What is liquor addiction, precisely? How can it vary from liquor misuse? When should an individual look for help for an issue identified with their drinking? The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has arranged this booklet to support people and families answer these and other basic inquiries regarding liquor issues. The data underneath will clarify liquor abuse and liquor misuse, indications of every, when and where to look for help, treatment decisions, and extra supportive assets. For a great many people, liquor is a lovely backup to social exercises. Moderate liquor useup to two beverages for each day for men and one beverage for each day for ladies and more established individuals (A standard beverage is one 12-ounce container of lager or wine cooler, one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof refined spirits) isn't destructive for most grown-ups. In any case, a considerable number of individuals experience genuine difficulty with their drinking. Presently, almost 14 million Americans1 in each 13 adultsabuse liquor or are alcoholic. A few million additional grown-ups participate in hazardous drinking designs that could prompt liquor issues. What's more, around 53 percent of people in the United States report that at least one of their nearby family members tend to drink too much. The outcomes of liquor abuse are seriousin numerous cases, dangerous. Overwhelming drinking can build the hazard for specific diseases, particularly those of the liver, th roat, throat, and larynx (voice box). It can likewise cause liver cirrhosis, insusceptible framework issues, mind harm, and damage to the hatchling during pregnancy. Furthermore, drinking builds the danger of death from car accidents, recreational mishaps, and hands on mishaps and furthermore improves the probability of manslaughter and self destruction. In simply financial terms, liquor use issues cost society roughly $100 billion every year. In human terms, the expenses are inestimable. Liquor abuse, which is otherwise called liquor reliance condition, is a sickness that is portrayed by the accompanying components: ? Desiring: A solid need, or impulse, to drink. ? Loss of control: The continuous failure to quit drinking once an individual has started. ? Physical reliance: The event of withdrawal indications, for example, sickness, perspiring, flimsiness, and tension, when liquor use is halted after a time of substantial drinking. These side effects are generally calmed by drinking liquor or by taking another soothing medication. ? Resilience: The requirement for expanding measures of liquor so as to get high. Liquor addiction has little to do with what sort of liquor one beverages, to what extent one has been drinking, or even precisely how much liquor one expends. Yet, it has a lot to do with a people wild requirement for liquor. This portrayal of liquor addiction causes us comprehend why most heavy drinkers cant simply utilize a little determination to quit drinki ng. The person in question is every now and again in the grasp of an incredible wanting for liquor, a need that can feel as solid as the requirement for food or water. While a few people can recoup without assistance, most of alcoholic people need outside help to recuperate from their ailment. With help and treatment, numerous people can quit drinking and revamp their lives. Numerous individuals wonder: Why can a few people use liquor without issues, while others are completely incapable to control their drinking? Ongoing examination bolstered by NIAAA has exhibited that for some individuals, a weakness to liquor addiction is acquired. However perceive that parts of a people domain, for example, peer impacts and the accessibility of liquor, likewise are huge impacts. Both acquired and natural impacts are called chance variables. In any case, chance isn't predetermination. Because liquor abuse will in general run in families doesnt imply that an offspring of a heavy drinker parent wi ll naturally create liquor abuse. .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 , .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .postImageUrl , .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 , .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:hover , .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:visited , .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:active { border:0!important; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:active , .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7125f8 bbc632171c018b665d65613540 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7125f8bbc632171c018b665d65613540:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: John Biggers: The Impact and Significance of Symbolization in African American Art EssayAlcohol misuse varies from liquor addiction in that it does exclude an amazingly solid desiring for liquor, loss of control, or physical reliance. What's more, liquor misuse is more uncertain than liquor addiction to incorporate resilience (the requirement for expanding measures of liquor to get high). Liquor misuse is characterized as an example of drinking that is joined by at least one of the accompanying circumstances inside a year time span: ? Inability to satisfy significant work, school, or home obligations; ? Drinking in circu mstances that are truly hazardous, for example, while driving a vehicle or working hardware; ? Repeating liquor related lawful issues, for example, being captured for driving affected by liquor or for truly harming somebody while alcoholic; ? Kept drinking in spite of having progressing relationship issues that are caused or exacerbated by the impacts of liquor. While liquor misuse is essentially not the same as liquor addiction, it is critical to take note of that numerous impacts of liquor misuse are likewise experienced by heavy drinkers. How might you tell whether you, or somebody near you, may tend to drink too much? Addressing the accompanying four inquiries can assist you with discovering. (To help recall these inquiries, note that the main letter of a watchword in every one of the four inquiries spells CAGE.) ? Have you at any point felt you should Cut down on your drinking? ? Have individuals Annoyed you by condemning your drinking? ? Have you at any point felt awful or Remorseful about your drinking? ? Have you at any point had a beverage before anything else to consistent your nerves or to dispose of a headache (Eye opener)? One yes reaction proposes a potential liquor issue. In the event that you reacted yes to more than one inquiry, almost certainly, a difficult exists. In either case, it is significant that you see your primary care physician or other social insurance supplier immediately to examine your reactions to these inquiries. The individual in question can assist you with deciding if you tend to dri nk too much and, assuming this is the case, suggest the best strategy for you. Regardless of whether you addressed no to the entirety of the above inquiries, in the event that you are experiencing drinking-related issues with your activity, connections, wellbeing, or with the law, you should in any case look for proficient assistance. The impacts of liquor misuse can be very seriouseven fatalboth to you and to other people. Recognizing that help is required for a liquor issue may not be simple. In any case, remember that the sooner an individual finds support, the better are their odds for an effective recuperation. Any hesitance you may feel about talking about your drinking with your medicinal services proficient may originate from regular misinterpretations about liquor abuse and alcoholic individuals. In our general public, the legend wins that a liquor issue is by one way or another an indication of good shortcoming. Thus, you may feel that to look for help is to concede some sort of disgraceful imperfection in yourself. Indeed, be that as it may, liquor abuse is an illness that is not any more an indication of shortcoming than is asthma or diabetes. In addition, taking ste
Thursday, July 23, 2020
What Algorithms Can (and Cant) Tell Us About Gender and Literature
What Algorithms Can (and Cant) Tell Us About Gender and Literature Last month, a story came out about five scholars whod set up an algorithm to read 3.5 million books. The five co-authors were looking for adjectives and gender. They mapped those more commonly used to describe women, and those more commonly used to describe men. The resulting paper, Unsupervised Discovery of Gendered Language through Latent-Variable Modeling, is hardly earth-shaking. In a nutshell, co-authors Alexander Hoyle, Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin, Hanna Wallach, Isabelle Augenstein, and Ryan Cotterell write: Positive adjectives used to describe women are more often related to their bodies than adjectives used to describe men. Women are more likely to be called pretty. Men are more likely to be called interesting. Study authors looked for the most common adjectives across 3.5 million books. Among the words most commonly used to describe women: beautiful, lovely, chaste, fertile. Among those most commonly used to describe men: just, sound, righteous, and rational. Lest you think there is some rational basis for these choices, the authors note: Even within 24 hours of birth, parents describe their daughters as beautiful, pretty, and cute far more often than their sons. Fewer Women Characters? Another recent paper to use large-scale data to look at gender in literature was “The Transformation of Gender in English-Language Fiction,†published in the Journal of Cultural Analytics in 2018. These co-authorsâ€"Ted Underwood, Sabrina Lee, and David Bammanâ€"set up a series of machine-learning models to look at 104,000 works of fiction written between 1700 and 2010. According to The Economist, this body of 104,000 books contains almost all classic novels, but only about half of the books that have been listed in Publishers Weekly[.] What did they find? For one thing, women apparently used to write more. The percentage of books written by women fell from around 50% at the start of the 19th century to less than a quarter by the 1960s. It rebounded to around 40% in the 21st. They found that women characters also plummeted. Their modelâ€"which promises to guess gender of characters by names and pronouns with more than 90% accuracy saw that the share of the narrative given to fictional women declined over 150 years, before recovering slightly. The Limits of Algorithm Criticism Of course, as an essay in Aeon notes, AI criticism is limited by its human trainers. And some number crunching seems ripe for overreach, as when Matthew Jockers declared there were only six (or sometimes seven) essential plots. In a critique in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Nan Z. Da comes down hard on these big-data studies of literature. Da accuses this branch of the digital humanities of generating bad literary criticism, but also lacking rigor. Its findings are either banal or, if interesting, not statistically robust. Da cites a 2019 book by Ted Underwood, Distant Horizons, that makes a range of assertions on the back of big data. This includes, according to Da, that gender becomes more blurred after 1840. Da quite reasonably suggestions that a blurring of gender descriptions might mean absolutely nothing. And indeed, it seems to contradict what the authors of Unsupervised Discovery of Gendered Language through Latent-Variable Modeling have found. In general, algorithm findings seem to work betterâ€"at least thus farâ€"when they are working on more clear-cut patterns (number of women characters) rather than messier ones (essential plot types). In Unsupervised Discovery of Gendered Language through Latent-Variable Modeling, the co-authors acknowledge that their study has several limitations. First, their search ignores the demographics of the speaker. It also ignores genre, so that romance and cowboy fiction are all thrown into the same basket. And third, it ignores the time when a work was published: They looked through roughly 3.5 million published between 1900 to 2008. Hopefully, books published in 2006 were at least edging away from chaste, barren, and vivacious as ways of describing women. Insights with Google Ngrams Unscientifically, its always interesting to check out the Google Ngram to see when words fall in and out of use in the Google Books corpus. Use of the word girlish, for example, peaked around 1900. Use of the word slut zigzags, going up and down. It peaks in 1900, goes down, heads up around 1930, and then takes off in 1980. After that, slut continues its rise. Whore, on the other hand, was more popular in 1810â€"at least according to Google Ngramâ€"than it is today. Interestingly, rape is something we didnt talk about much before 1970, and that goes double for sexual assault. Surely, there are things we can learn from algorithms about the way we talk about gender over time. But also, as with any bad use of data, much fluff and nonsense. Sign up to Today In Books to receive daily news and miscellany from the world of books.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Mike Lee and Jessica Mark Wedding Free Essay Example, 3500 words
The event plan expects that all details of the wedding will be organized and managed with professionalism and that the quality of all aspects of the proceedings is perfect. The wedding couple themselves is inviting their friends and family from around the world and these groups will be enjoying the event as a festival experience in Los Angeles on the Fourth of July weekend. The couple is interested in a high standard of quality in the venue and catering as a priority and for this reason, the wedding will be held at the Kyoto Grand Hotel in Los Angeles. The family has indicated that they want the event to be preserved in high-quality photographs and video. Because of this, there will also be a budgetary allocation to wedding professionals to manage media, documentation, and reception music. This includes a DJ for the after-ceremony and also a professional group of wedding photographers and video specialists. The catering and service have been left to the hotel staff which provides th ese in the context of a Zen garden where there is a white altar for the marriage ceremony itself to take place. We will write a custom essay sample on The Mike Lee and Jessica Mark Wedding or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Guests will be able to be seated while watching the ceremony and then shift to tables for the reception, where there will also be dance facilities and a ball. This atmosphere at the Kyoto Grand hotel reflects the expectations of both the couple and the family, who are looking for a world-class facility with a professional decorum. The hotel will also be able to provide lodging for the couple and their close family while they are preparing for the ceremony and visiting the region from afar. The wedding planners will assist foreign guests with travel arrangements and local hotel accommodations, as well as offering family outings on sightseeing events. The theme of the wedding is based on the Zen Garden at the Kyoto Grand Hotel in Los Angeles, which reflects the social and cultural values of the families involved in the ceremony. The concept is for a traditional American wedding to be re-interpreted on the Fourth of July in light of the Asian immigrant experience and multicultural identities of the people involved.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Sociological Imagination - 1391 Words
Under the Minds Eye On the surface, sociology is the study of society and human behavior; yet looking deeper, it is the study of humans in groups and how they interact with one another. Sociologists look at these groups by means of the sociological perspective. This involves looking at a certain behavior like it has never been looked at it before. When done right one can come to a deeper level of understanding about behavior. Using your sociological imagination you are able conceptualize how a persons macro level, which consists of the larger aspects of life such as family and government, and their micro level, (which is the individual itself) combine in order form the person they are. Using my sociological imagination I†¦show more content†¦Leah interrupts my thoughts. She asks me the time. I tell her to buy a watch, expecting her to go back to work. She then demands me to listen to her paper. She reads me the paper and we begin to go off on extreme tangents of her obse rvations (she is doing the same paper). While laughing hysterically we realize where we are. Back to oberservation. The two boys to the left have left now and a guy and a girl now occupy the table. They are doing a project and both appear uneasy. She gives him a look as he is spouting out information, like one of those this-sucks-that-my-teacher-picked-the-partners type of looks. As he talks about ‘economic theory she stares at him and all of the sudden blurts out, Thats so wrong, do you even know what you are talking about? The boy stutters to recover, but is pushed down before he can refute her comments. How about you sit there and look pretty and Ill do the project. I cant afford to fuck up. With that she got up and stormed out of the library. He sat there for moment shocked with disbelief, then looked over at me and said, Somebody obviously PMSing, then he packed up his things and left. Leah interrupts my thought. She asks if we are going to the game; I tell her we are , expecting her to go back to work. She then reads me her paper, which now consists of ten lines instead of seven. Back to observation. We are now the only people left except for the boy sitting all alone. TAP TAP TAPShow MoreRelatedSociological Imagination636 Words  | 3 Pagesproblems, family problems or an individual just may not be happy. Although, if this person uses their social imagination it may be a little easier for them to cope with their depression. Looking at their problems in a more general perspective helps them realize they are not alone and these are daily problems everyone faces. Sociologist C. Wright Mills quotes â€Å"The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the innerRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination And Me Essay1343 Words  | 6 PagesThe Sociological Imagination and Me Charles Wright Mills was a writer, a researcher, a teacher, a scholar and a well known sociologist. He was the author of the 1959 book, The Sociological Imagination. This book was poorly received by the sociological community at first, but it is one of the most widely read sociological texts today. The Sociological Imagination and Mills’ other works have had an immense impact on sociology, as he influenced many other scholars and the â€Å"New Left†movement of theRead MoreSociological Imagination Essay703 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿ Tierra Hodge Dr. Ngeo Boon Lin Intro to Sociology October 1, 2014 Sociological Imagination What is sociological imagination? According to C. Wright Mills sociological imagination is the ability to see how individual experiences are connected to the larger society. Sociological perspective enables one to grasp connection to history and biography. History is the background and biography is the individual’s specific experiences. C.Wright Mills came up with the idea that in order for one to understandRead MoreC. Wright Millss Sociological Imagination1301 Words  | 6 PagesThe sociological imagination, a concept coined by C. Wright Mills, is defined as, â€Å"the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and wider society.†The sociological imagination is not an innate way of thinking, therefore its inverse is commonly referred to as the ordinary way of thinking. People who think ordinarily, do not make connections between what is happening in their own milieu and what is happening in the larger society they live within. The memoir of Michael P atrick MacDonaldRead MoreSociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills942 Words  | 4 PagesSociological imagination according to C. Wright Mills (1959) â€Å"enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals†(p.5) Mills in this book of The Sociological Imagination explains how society shapes the people. Mills wants people to be able to use sociological imagination to see things in a sociology point of view, so they can know the difference between personal troubles versus personal issuesRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills Essay1970 Words  | 8 Pagesmay not be within our control, and it takes a toll on our lives. As a person experiences something that is out of their control, it is related back to social forces; this is what the sociological imagination is. C. Wright Mills, author of â€Å"The Sociological Imagination†, explains how the sociological imagination plays a part in human development, and how certain social forces affecting the lives of those who are constantly facing hardships. He explains that the problems that we face as human beingsRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills1822 Words  | 8 PagesC. Wright Mills defines the sociological imagination as, â€Å"what they need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that will help them to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselves†. Mills also says that the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. When I read Chapter One: The Promise from C. WrightRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills907 Words  | 4 Pageslimited to their day to day life and personal experiences that are directly related to them, they cannot see the bigger picture. They do not yet know that the sociological imagination can set them free from this trap and as C. Wright Mills said, In many ways it is a terrible lesson; in many ways a magnificent one.. The sociological imagination is truly an incredible thing. Most people go through life indeed feeling trapped by the personal troubles that plague their lives and some never even considerRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination As Described By C. Wright Mills930 Words  | 4 PagesThe sociological imagination as described by C. Wright Mills is â€Å"the ability to understand the intersection between biography and history or interplay of self and the world.†(13) Mills also describes the sociological imagination by saying, â€Å"we have come to know every individual lives, from one generation to the next, in some society; that he lives out a biography, and that he lives out within some historical sequence. By the fact of his living he contributes, however minutely, to the shaping ofRead MoreSociological Imagination Coined By Sociologist C. Wright Mills1138 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout our lives we encounter numerous personal troubles, no matter big ones or trivial ones. H owever, one may seldom relate their problems in a sociological level rather often try to ascribe the blame to their personal wrongs. In this essay I would introduce the topic of sociological imagination coined by sociologist C. Wright Mills, describing how personal matters have all sorts of interwoven relationships with social issues. It is also important to realize that there are distinctions between
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparrison of the Color Purple Book and Movie Free Essays
lHaley Sullivan Think of the person who means most to you in life. Now imagine what life would be like if you never saw or heard from them again. This is what happens to Celie, the main character in the novel The Color Purple written by Alice Walker and the movie The Color purple directed by Steven Spielberg. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparrison of the Color Purple Book and Movie or any similar topic only for you Order Now The novel The color purple was published in 1982. The story is told through letters written by Celie to God. The only sentences outside the letters are the first two â€Å"You better not never tell nobody. It’d kill your mammy. †The story follows Celie throughout her life starting from when she was 14. Celie is a poor black girl from the south who is verbally physically and sexually abused by all the men in her life, mainly her father and husband. The only person she has ever left truly loved her is her sister Nettie. The two are inseparable until Nettie is forced away and never allowed to see or speak to Celie again. Celie writes letters to God because now that Nettie’s gone she has no one else to talk to. She writes about Mr. ___ her husband, his family who becomes somewhat hers, and Shug Avery. Shug is Mr. ___’s lover who comes to stay with Mr. ___ and Celie because she was very sick. Shug takes a strong liking to Celie and vice versa. Shug helps Celie see that she is a beautiful woman and that she isn’t worthless like people in her past had made her believe. Thanks to Shug’s guidance love and support Celie breaks free of the hold Mr. ___ once had on her and finally stands up for herself. The movie The Color Purple was directed by Steve Spielberg and was released in 1985. The movie stays true to the novel in only a few ways. The movie is not told through letters because that would have been too complicated to stage. In the novel you get to learn more about Nettie’s life along with Celie’s, while in the movie you only see Celie’s side of the story. The movie uses many different aspects of film to emphasize its beauty and emotional feeling of the novel. For example Steven focuses a lot on color in the shooting of the film. The scenery, no matter where being shot, has an undertone of browns and greens. Then in significant scenes there are pops of purple or pinks to show that you’re supposed to be noticing something or to emphasize what the characters are talking about. Steven Spielberg also uses high and low angles to show who has power during certain scenes. So whenever Mr. ___ and Celie are having a conversation Mr. __ is always shot from a low angle to show that he has power over Celie, and Celie is shot from a high angle to show that she has less power than Mr. ___. Spielberg also used numerous voice-overs in the film to narrate thoughts during moments that silence was incorporated. So from all the information and observations I’ve gathered I’ve decided my thesis is that, the novel The color purple writte n by Alice walker is better than the movie directed by Steven Spielberg. I believe this statement to be true because when it comes to the details and complexities of the characters in the story the movie sells the book short. The movie shows the characters relations with each other to be very one sided while in the novel characters develop much deeper relationships with each other. I also liked the book better because it really allowed you to see inside Celie’s head. You felt the pain with her as you read her heartfelt letters to God about her hardships and, everyone in a while, moments of supreme joy. I did appreciate the acting in the movie though. Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey were discovered because of the film. How to cite Comparrison of the Color Purple Book and Movie, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Internet Consumer Activity
Introduction The 21st century has presented various advancements in the marketing industry. There have been numerous competitions among businesses with companies striving to implement the latest media applications to reach a maximum population. To acquire clients, incentives and better means of packaging is applied to generate maximum returns. There has been specialization and delegation of duties to target the mass that finds difficulty in performing basic tasks like shopping and cleaning.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Consumer Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The modern society makes it difficult for individuals to acquire livelihood, and, therefore, they find measure to apply in bridging this gap of economic troubles. Costs are reduced in transportation and advertising products through websites that have a variety of services including delivery. Companies of the modern society implement mea sures to serve their customers effectively without employing sales executives or giving the customer power over their purchase desires. One platform that finds massive use in advertising and purchase is the internet. Through E-commerce, trade has become easier, and transactions made without difficulty through programs that guarantee safety to the customers. This advanced technology should be implemented in a method that it is easily accessed and provide less strain on the individual. Customers prefer to engage in E-businesses that are user friendly and provide the best rates to acquire the commodities that they need in satisfying their needs (Leiber, 2009). Websites have provided businesses with an opportunity to sell their merchandize to consumers more effectively through allowing them access to their assorted product range. This paper stresses on the importance of shopping websites selecting three examples to highlight on the services these channels offer. Shopping Online Consumer s are allowed to shop for variable product variety with an effortless step of clicking on their desired item. Shopping websites provide consumers with services that allow them to save on extra expenses and time used to visit shops physically. They further provide delivery services that guarantee safety of the delivered merchandize on payment. There can never be total satisfaction in service delivery. Therefore, a high standard is set by consumers to acquire high-quality products. Popular websites that offer quality services is preferred by customers to deliver services as compared to beginners. This is articulated to the industry that is sometimes flawed with fraud artists and tricksters that take advantage of these channels to swindle ignorant users. Shopping websites are preferred to traditional shopping strategies because thy save on time an allow access to a wider range of products (Smarter, 2012). User-friendly websites protect their consumers from fraud and ensures that their products are delivered in the period given. Guidelines provided to customers to practice online shopping strategies should be presented for beginners to access information easily curbing the risks involved in insecure sites.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More What to know about website shopping Before embarking on the program, consumers should have basic requirements to solve cases of fraud and limit losses that may be incurred in the activity. Purchasing products online may be insecure because most users find difficulty in meeting several requirements, especially during payment leading to inefficient service from the suppliers. Companies that one decides to utilize for online shopping should be known. Several shopping websites are created, therefore, most of them may be fraudulent. Consumers need to do a quick background check on the website they choose to undertake their busi ness or opt for popular websites. Popular websites normally have referrals that have successfully conducted business with the company. There are government websites and organizations that have provided a list of secure shopping sites that are recommended. A user-friendly shopping site provides a clear procedure of operational steps undertaken in trading. They give consumers the procedures that they implement in service delivery from the time they click the desired product to its arrival at the desired destination. There is a need for consumers to shop with companies based in the US, because they present the legislation that protects consumers from fraudsters who present a key challenge to the online industry. The system presents a record of purchases that the client has conducted, and the customer is required to keep their own personal records for confirmation purpose. User-friendly sites have a wider selection of products to offer efficiency to the customer. They maximize on the re liability the customer accords them and creates discounts on the delivery services and products. Some sites present tasking procedures that may lead the consumer to prefer the traditional method to purchase their products. The application procedure involved is tasking and may create questions that the customer feel are a violation of their privacy. Features of a reliable shopping site A reliable site gives the customer total control, and access to their personalized profile for them to change critical information whenever desired. The sites offer customer protection from fraudulent measures through constantly reminding them of their offers and packages that could be purchased to improve their service (Leiber, 2009). Shopping websites have capability present customer with the choice of the product desired and would obtain any merchandize that are not in their catalogue. The catalogue should be designed in a manner that distinguishes products from their prices to their functionality. A jumbled shopping website with no clear distinction in product set-up would lead to consumer dissatisfaction.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Consumer Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consumers prefer sites that locate the desired product that are not in the stock within a shortest period to ease product accessibility. The website design should be flexible to encourage transaction from every gadget in every continent to target a wider market group. Consumers would prefer trading with sites that contain the most number of individuals using their site as compared to limited users that may suggest disinterest in the website (Mascull, 2010). An updated website would stock the latest gadgets and fashion keeping the old antiques within grasp. The general idea is to generate a platform that consumers can utilize to acquire their goods within the shortest period limiting fraud while providing exemplar y service. Moreover, it should be easily accessible and a manual of operation issued to the consumer to apply payment procedure easily. About Shoppers Advantage A company based in Stamford to provide ease of shopping to customers that choose to use the site for online shopping. The website provides information on their company on the homepage insisting on their dedication to providing customer privacy. A link allows members to browse on a list of products by their brand name before narrowing to the desired commodity. They inform new users of the information needed to set-up a personal account with basic contact information and location given to access the company’s physical location. The website is accessible with a help icon to help consumers contact them and ask questions in the transaction or order of service (Shoppers Advantage, 2012). About Smarter The website is accessible to any new member but has a section for registered members to access. The first presentation from the website is to list a range of products that consumers are able to access according to sex and age. It also stocks other products like home appliances, electronics, gifts and flowers. The access to this website is easy, and the customer can access visually the products stocked. The website further advices users on the current trend of merchandise and the leading stores in the market. Moreover, consumers can bargain on the prices of various products as they provide a direct link to the stores (Smarter, 2012). About Bizrate The website gives a list of popular product searches and gives a visual list of the updated product list. At the bottom are links that can provide more information on the website and terms of service that it offers. It has a shop by department section where users can easily access their desired products on clicking the topic. Customers can acquire the rating status of the website and the users who have previously acquired products from the website (Bizrate, 2011 ).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A common trend witnessed across this website it their strict policy on terms of use and customer privacy that is provided in the about section. There is a link provided to contact these websites to contact the support department to ask questions on cases of inconvenience. The customer can choose on the mode of payment that they would want to apply and choose products from the range of prices that are affordable. Table comparing the three websites â€Å" References Bizrate. (2011). Web. Leiber, N. (2009). Why Your Web Site’s Privacy Policy Matters More Than You Think. Businessweek. Web. Mascull, B. (2010). Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate with Answers and CD-ROM. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. Shoppers Advantage. (2012). Privacy Policy. Web. Smarter. (2012). Web. Wan, Y. (2009). Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs. London. Idea Group Inc (IGI). This essay on Internet Consumer Activity was written and submitted by user Raquel Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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